
Over the past decade, financial institutions have evolved significantly in terms of both breadth and depth. Numerous regulations continue to get introduced, requiring substantial investments in human capital and IT systems. After 2008, a lot of questions have been raised about the ability of certain risk management models to provide answers regarding liquidity- and counterparty risks, as well as about the existing stress testing procedures. In order to address these challenges and, at the same time, boost their competitiveness, most banks have opted for internal reorganization plans, including the introduction of new IT systems and services which allow them to: (a) operate more efficiently (b) comply with new regulatory frameworks, and (c) maintain a solid and practical view on all types of exposure, risks and operations, so as to safeguard their ability to reach fast and accurate decisions.

Being a company with first-hand experience in the banking sector, SYSTEMIC has developed a number of solid solutions addressing issues like the Basel III and EMIR frameworks, treasury back-office and custody operations, risk management of banking book and the rating of obligors’ risk.

Treasury Risk Management - Icon with bacground
Our solution addresses every risk management need of a modern treasury department, organized across any number of trading desks/units – each...
Basel III framework - Icon with bacground
Basel III reporting can give a serious headache. SYSTEMIC’s solution makes easy to collect and reconcile data from the core banking system and other...
Credit Risk Rating - Icon with bacground
There are a number of well-known solutions for assessing the relative risk of both retail and large borrowers who operate in sophisticated markets....
Treasury Back-Office - Icon with bacground
The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) brings banking institutions before some major technological and operational overhaul. As part of...
Custody & Clearing - Icon with bacground
The rapid developments in the financial and banking industry generate investment opportunities worldwide. Custody banks need to be ready to...